polite adj. (-liter; -est) 1.有礼貌的;殷勤的,恳切的;斯文的;文雅的;有教养的。 2.(文章等)推敲过的,精练的,优美的。 polite society 讲究礼貌的场合[交际场所];上流社会。 the polite thing 规矩礼貌。 polite letters [literature] 纯文学。 do the polite 〔口语〕硬装文雅,竭力做出彬彬有礼的样子。 say sth. polite about 恭维。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
My new friends are all polite and helpful 我的新朋友都是有礼貌和乐于助人的
Mrs reeve had a wonderful time shopping in ginza ; she was very impressed by the smiling , polite and helpful shop assistants 吕富太太在银座购物时有了很不错的时光?她对那些带着微笑、有礼貌又乐于帮忙的店员颇有好感。
But , concerning his age , he was very open and patient to us westerners , always kind , polite and helpful to answer our many questions concerning detailed tantra explanations 然而对于西方弟子他始终抱有无限耐心及慈悲心随时愿意详细地回答我们对于密法的各种问题。